
Holy place, Holy life

Today was Sunday. I just arrived home. I went to the St.Francis xavier church with
my friends. I went there every Sunday at 10 o'clock for praying to the God.
Even though I wasn't Catholic but I had faith in god and I liked to came to this place.
Every time after going to the church, I was always calm and joyful because I let many problems
behind and start the new days, keep in my mind that God will always walk beside me.
I was very habituated to this place because I studied at St,Francis Xavier convent, it was
Catholic's school since kindergarten 2 until Mathayom 6. The fourteen years that I lived and
learnt in this school, I had been taught a lot about the story of faith in god and every time when my school
had an important ritural, the teachers always conducted every student to combine officiate a ceremony at this place.
This church was very beautiful and I believe St. francis xavier church was a holy and calm place for catholic.
It located in Samsen 13 Alley. The church was a beautiful big square antique building.
In front of there was the modeled figure of Lord Jesus heals the blind man.
Inside the church, the ceiling was painted in cream-colored. The windows
which let the light pass through were painted in pale brown.
Between each window, there was fourteen pictures of Jesus Christ's torment
that made me felt about the love and sacrifice.
If you looking above the windows, You saw mosaics were compiled for the picture of many Saints.
On the marble tile floors,there was many wooden benches placed for the people who participate in the mass.
In front of them, the sacred platform which was decorated with many flowers
was positioned. It was the place for the priest only. At the back
of the sacred platform was the St,francis Xavier molded figure.
Every time, before the mass began, the music was played and everyone
sing a song to praise for God with delight. After that, the priest preaches about the
Jesus's teaching and gave us the Holy communion made from wheat flour. It was a
symbol of Jesus's body that mean " God always be with you "


my happy time

Today is Saturday, I woke up about 14.30 am. I knew it was too late because I stayed up late last night and felt so tired. Yesterday was my father’s birthday so I had a little party at my home. My family invited only cousins and I phoned to my close friends for invited them to joined with me and my family. I was very gladed that they could came. We had a little party althought it just a little party but I was really happy because they was only my family ,cousins and my close friends.
For me I had a gift for my father even if it wasn’t much precious and much beautiful but I did it from my heart. It was a card that I tried my best and determined to did it. And the another was necktie.
I gave him and I said to him that I really do love him. He was my hero and I told him I promised to be a good daughter for him.
And he told me that he loves me the most.
We had a really good time. I was very gladed that I had a nice family like this.

After party in the evening, I and my friends liked to sing a song so we spent more time in the karaoke room only me and my friends. While we was singing I thought about my first singing contest in my life at the school. When I was a student in Mattayom 6, I ‘ve joined a singing contest. Nowadays, I could remember how excited I was. One day, my school prepared a singing contest. The rule of this contest was that competitors had to sing the school song and their favorite song. My friends knew that I really liked to sing a song, but I had no confidence so they signed the application of this contest for me. I didn’t know about it before. Next day, my friends told me what they had done. It surprised me. I couldn’t believe it. They asked me to go with them to look at an announcement. There was my name and my number on it. I was worried about this contest very much. I decided not to apply because I was very afraid, but my friends disagreed. They told me that I had to try my best. I thought about their words and believed them. After school, I went back to my home. I chose a songs and practiced singing in front of the mirror. I told my mother and father that I was very afraid but they told me you could did it well. And they always gave me a courage. On the contest day, I was terrified. I thought that I couldn’t sing in front of many audiences. While I was waiting, my heartbeat wasn’t common and my hands were full of sweat. I said to my friends many times that I couldn’t do it.
I’m getting really nervous and heard the sound of fear in my heart. Suddenly, master of ceremonies called my name from the stage. While going up to the stage, I was very excited. When the melody began, I concentrated my singing. I saw many of my friends looked at me with their nice smiles and courage.
It was fascinating. After singing, I got the bouquet of flowers from them. I was very happy. Although I didn’t win this contest, but I was proud of myself and really happy that I had a good friends likr this. Furthermore, I got the friendship that I never let them fade away from my heart. I was very happy at this time because I already had a nice friend and family also.
Thanks god for giving me lovely family and nice friends like this. They was mean so much for me.



Now it's the middle of the night but I am still up. I just arrived home. Because about 21.20 pm. I went to Suvarnabhumi airport for sending my love to Scotland for athletic meeting. He's a badminton player of thailand. Now I feel so sleepy but I can't sleep because I am missing him and sending my love an e-mail that "Hey!! sweetie, how are you ? have you got accustomed to the climate in Scotland ? My family fallowed up all the news about you. We all hope for your champion. I miss and love you as always. Remember to take care of your self, with loves "
This is the paragraph that I already send to him because I want him to see my e-mail suddenly when he arrived there and checking his e-mail. I feel so lonely right now. I think, What should i do ? And the best answered in my mind is go to bed!! Before I sleep I'll pray to Buddha to take the best care of him and hope I have a sweetdream tonight.


The last weekend

I didn't have a wonderful weekend because my last weekend is very unpleasurable.

All the time, i stayed with an anxiety and stress because my father were sick.

He got an encephalemia, so he had to admit at the Bangkok hospital in icu room.

I spent most time in the hospital to follow his symptom of sickness.

I had to wake up early and went to the hospital, it was so boring for me.

Although my friends asked me to hang out with them, I can't because I had to take good care

of him and did everything he want. Furthermore , I had to give him a courage because I know that an operation frighten him. In my mind I always wish everything will be alright and I wish god will be with him. Everytime when I saw himon the sick-bed with a volume control respirator, it made me shed tears. When he said to me that he had a terrible headache, it made me worry about him so much. I was so sympathize with him. When I had free time , I always went to the temple with my mother and my brothers for praying to the Buddha to protect him and bless him get well really soon. Although staying at the hospital all day to take good care of my father was very boring for me , I had to do because it's my duty. I knew that my father wanted me to stay beside him to be his courage. I want to be a good daughter and want to be useful for my family, so I will do my best to make my family to be pround of me.


Today is Saturday and this is the second time I've been come to this place "Train park - Suan Rod Fai" I went there with my sweetheart "Ohmo". He was enjoy riding but not me.

Guess what ? because I wore the short skirt but it's not my fault because I didn't plan to go there. Anyway, my sweetheart chose the cutest bicycle foe me. It's KITTY bicycle.

" Trustin me, it's so cute" he said

" Oh!! cute or stupid?" I asked

Anyway .it's the best choice for me. Everything seem to be better when I used my woolen coat cover my skirt to safe something not good to show off. I was really happy with him.

I though 1 hour at the Train park but I felt like just only 15 minutes like somebody said

" When you feel happy the time will be pass so fast" I think so.

Moreover I saw the cutest puppy. It's so funny and polite.

I really do love the dog. I wanted to take it home but I can't take it back to my home because it's not mine and I already have 4 cute dogs at my home. And I loves them so much as they love me.