
my happy time

Today is Saturday, I woke up about 14.30 am. I knew it was too late because I stayed up late last night and felt so tired. Yesterday was my father’s birthday so I had a little party at my home. My family invited only cousins and I phoned to my close friends for invited them to joined with me and my family. I was very gladed that they could came. We had a little party althought it just a little party but I was really happy because they was only my family ,cousins and my close friends.
For me I had a gift for my father even if it wasn’t much precious and much beautiful but I did it from my heart. It was a card that I tried my best and determined to did it. And the another was necktie.
I gave him and I said to him that I really do love him. He was my hero and I told him I promised to be a good daughter for him.
And he told me that he loves me the most.
We had a really good time. I was very gladed that I had a nice family like this.

After party in the evening, I and my friends liked to sing a song so we spent more time in the karaoke room only me and my friends. While we was singing I thought about my first singing contest in my life at the school. When I was a student in Mattayom 6, I ‘ve joined a singing contest. Nowadays, I could remember how excited I was. One day, my school prepared a singing contest. The rule of this contest was that competitors had to sing the school song and their favorite song. My friends knew that I really liked to sing a song, but I had no confidence so they signed the application of this contest for me. I didn’t know about it before. Next day, my friends told me what they had done. It surprised me. I couldn’t believe it. They asked me to go with them to look at an announcement. There was my name and my number on it. I was worried about this contest very much. I decided not to apply because I was very afraid, but my friends disagreed. They told me that I had to try my best. I thought about their words and believed them. After school, I went back to my home. I chose a songs and practiced singing in front of the mirror. I told my mother and father that I was very afraid but they told me you could did it well. And they always gave me a courage. On the contest day, I was terrified. I thought that I couldn’t sing in front of many audiences. While I was waiting, my heartbeat wasn’t common and my hands were full of sweat. I said to my friends many times that I couldn’t do it.
I’m getting really nervous and heard the sound of fear in my heart. Suddenly, master of ceremonies called my name from the stage. While going up to the stage, I was very excited. When the melody began, I concentrated my singing. I saw many of my friends looked at me with their nice smiles and courage.
It was fascinating. After singing, I got the bouquet of flowers from them. I was very happy. Although I didn’t win this contest, but I was proud of myself and really happy that I had a good friends likr this. Furthermore, I got the friendship that I never let them fade away from my heart. I was very happy at this time because I already had a nice friend and family also.
Thanks god for giving me lovely family and nice friends like this. They was mean so much for me.

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