
Holy place, Holy life

Today was Sunday. I just arrived home. I went to the St.Francis xavier church with
my friends. I went there every Sunday at 10 o'clock for praying to the God.
Even though I wasn't Catholic but I had faith in god and I liked to came to this place.
Every time after going to the church, I was always calm and joyful because I let many problems
behind and start the new days, keep in my mind that God will always walk beside me.
I was very habituated to this place because I studied at St,Francis Xavier convent, it was
Catholic's school since kindergarten 2 until Mathayom 6. The fourteen years that I lived and
learnt in this school, I had been taught a lot about the story of faith in god and every time when my school
had an important ritural, the teachers always conducted every student to combine officiate a ceremony at this place.
This church was very beautiful and I believe St. francis xavier church was a holy and calm place for catholic.
It located in Samsen 13 Alley. The church was a beautiful big square antique building.
In front of there was the modeled figure of Lord Jesus heals the blind man.
Inside the church, the ceiling was painted in cream-colored. The windows
which let the light pass through were painted in pale brown.
Between each window, there was fourteen pictures of Jesus Christ's torment
that made me felt about the love and sacrifice.
If you looking above the windows, You saw mosaics were compiled for the picture of many Saints.
On the marble tile floors,there was many wooden benches placed for the people who participate in the mass.
In front of them, the sacred platform which was decorated with many flowers
was positioned. It was the place for the priest only. At the back
of the sacred platform was the St,francis Xavier molded figure.
Every time, before the mass began, the music was played and everyone
sing a song to praise for God with delight. After that, the priest preaches about the
Jesus's teaching and gave us the Holy communion made from wheat flour. It was a
symbol of Jesus's body that mean " God always be with you "

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Saint Franci Xavier Church? Samsen 13 Alley? In what part of Bangkok excatly? Too bad you didn't add a picture. I would have loved to see an image of it.