
Family trip to China

Today was Friday and this is a beaut of a day because my father told me about trip to China in this summer. I really glad to heard that because it’s almost 1 year that I never go to foreign country. I thinking about China, I used to go to China with my family many times. If talking about China, the first thing that comes to my mind was the pleasant time with my lovely family that we spent on the journey from Shanghai to Beijing. China also has many interesting activities which enable my family to active together and had fun all the time. This can get everyone to become closer and keen to experience more things. I thought, it was a great opportunity for my family to get away from the same routine in Thailand. China is a very good country to visit for holidays because of it’s huge developments, great shopping place, nice people, and culture. The fast developments in China that we saw were our first impression especially for my parents because they came to China many years ago and there were not many instructions and high buildings. In fact, my parents said “there were only small houses, buildings and also not many attractions for people to enjoy”. When we first arrived in Shanghai, we went to the Sky tower for see the view of the fascinating city whether how much it has been developed. At that time, there was a long photo showing the growth and changes of Shanghai displayed on the wall. It started from 2001 to the present time and I was amazed by how fast China can improve the city from nothing to a civilization. From small things such as buses and cars to many modernistic high buildings that showed the city a great wealth and power. Later we moved on to the Terracotta Warriors in Xi-an with a great historical scenery built indoor. I felt that it was amazing to saw what humans could achieve if they had the power and money to do something this enormous beauty. Beijing was our last stop where we saw a lot of developments on the cleanness of the city. If we had to talked about China the only thing that comes up is about great developments in a short period of time. There was many greated fun and activities in China for enjoyed and challenged. Shanghai was one of the best shopping paradises for shopping lover because of an easy negotiation for a lower price that can make tourist like us become very successful at bargaining. I and my family went to a famous shopping street called “Nanjing Street” where clothing shops and all merchandises were located on both sides of the street. At first we were very excited to went there because we all really wanted to shopping since we were on the plane. After that, we were very surprised because of the price of a jacket was set at a very high price so we bargained for about 20 minutes to get the cheapest price and finally we did it. It was fun bargaining with Chinese people because no one wanted to gave up negotiation. Then, we went to cycling on the City Wall in Xi'an and we were located on the flatted rooftops by rented bicycles which gave us a great sense of freedom in Chinese unique atmosphere. To the next stop of Yangzi River, we were taked on a small boat through a long and narrow river that took us to another beautiful place, there were villagers tried to sell many things and again they didn’t gave up when we tried our best to bargain for a thing. In Beijing, the most famous activity that can not missed was walking on the Great Wall. The Great Wall has been preserved and developed all the time to make sure that it was still the best attraction in Beijing. We went climbing the wall and it was a nice clear day which gave us an enjoyment of the amazing view, but eventually no one succeeded going to the top because we were tired. Although, we didn’t succeed going to the top, but it was worth climbing it and a valuable feeling to our memory which can be truly called an unforgettable experience. I am now very really excited about China trip with my family. I really look forward to China trip again and again.

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