
My lovest uncle, i miss you

My lovest uncle
Now it was too late at night but I can’t sleep. I’m now thinking of my lovest uncle who was pass away for 2 years ago. I recognize about One day, while I was sat on the couch and watching television, my uncle walked slowly into the living room and walked straight to me. He sat beside me and asked me about my life. I told him that life was life. It had nothing interesting. He told me that when he was young, he can’t sat on the couch and watched television liked me. Therefore, I asked him that why he can’t did it, he told me that because he had many things to do when he joined the Royal Police cadet Academy.
In my opinion, I think that my uncle was one of the most successful people I knew. He was a policeman who was knew for arrested criminals. In fact, I really respect him and wanted to be like him. However, I asked him recently how he can be successful liked this and he told me that because he attended The Royal Police Cadet Academy. The Royal Thai police cadet academic school was the place that training cadets to be a great policeman. This made me very interested, so I asked him to tell about the police academy. He told me that there were a lot of interesting events in his experienced.
He told me gently that all cadets had to wake up at 5’o clock in the morning. It was a very hard task to did if it was the winter season. My uncle told me that he can felt the touch of the winter wind blowing into his face, and that made him did not wanted to woke up from his sweet dream. However, the sound of the whistle was really noisy, and that awoke every cadet from dreaming. All cadets had to make their beds neatly as they could in five minutes. After that, there was a checker who came with a coin. He would drop the coin onto the bed, and the coin must bounce. If the coin did not bounce, the cadet would be punished depending on the officer. Once, my uncle’s friend was punished by rolling his body on the ground from the front door to the back ten times. His skin was open and bleeding because he had to roll quickly, otherwise, he had to do more. After finished checking the beds, all cadets had to exercise regularly every morning. Even though the sun had not risen but they had to run in the darkness. All cadets had to run slowly around the school for about four to five kilometers. Then, they had to do 50 push ups and 70 sit ups. Drops of sweat ran down on their skins and dropped heavily all over their bodies that light green shirts had turned dark. Their muscles would shake, and their faces were pale because of the exhaustion. Finally, they had to did aerobics to worm down their bodies. After finished their exercises, they had time for showers. All cadets had only 10 minutes for took a bath. Because every one was in a rush, the sound when they bathed was like a waterfall. There was a whistle for told the times. My uncle told me that there were some cadets who came out with covered in soap bubbles because they did not finish bathing in time. After clothing, all cadets had to assemble at dining room before 7.00am. They had to come altogether before eating. My uncle told me that Royal Thai police academic school trained people to knew sacrificing, endurance, and comprehension. All cadets had to paid respect to the national flag at 8.00am before class. After that, the cadets would separated into their groups, and went to different training rooms. The training was separated into a theoretical section and a practical section. The theoretical section would teach at 9.00 to 15.00. This section would taught about normal high school such as history, mathematics, social studies, and science. My uncle told me that the atmosphere was like a normal high school, but the only difference was there was no one sleeping or playing in class. They would sit straight. Their eyes would stare at the blackboard only. If the cadets did not paid attention to their classes, they would punished. He told that this was because Royal Thai police academic school wanted all cadets to be disciplined. Another section was the practical section. This section taught about military subjects such as how to arm, how to greet, and how to salute when carrying a gun or without a gun.
In the evening, all cadets went to the auditorium to listened to the principle talked about some important news and met the seniors. They would discipline all cadets to be good in school. After meeting, all cadets would went to shower, and got dressed them up before 18.00 pm because all cadets must went to the field to paid respect to the national flag at 18.00pm. Then, the cadets would move to the canteen to ate dinner. My uncle told me that all cadets had to sat in order and eat at the same time. He told me that it would looked good if someone watched from the top. Because they wanted discipline, sometimes there would be a whistle to count the beats. At night, all cadets had to met the seniors again and told them what they had learned today and reviewed the lesson. After that, they would be lead to the Buddhist room and paid homage to the Buddha before they went to bed.
After my uncle had finished talking, I just lied down on the sofa and thought about what he said. My uncle was only 45 years old, but he became a commander. It was very fast in this line. However, even though I studying in a different direction of my uncle, I still want to be like him, a successful person who was completely neat, generous, and happy all the time. I thought over what he said again. In my life, I had to communicate with many people, and if I want to be good , I had to be organized, neat, and, above all, I must respect the law. I believe that his experience will be useful for me in the future.

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