
The last weekend

I didn't have a wonderful weekend because my last weekend is very unpleasurable.

All the time, i stayed with an anxiety and stress because my father were sick.

He got an encephalemia, so he had to admit at the Bangkok hospital in icu room.

I spent most time in the hospital to follow his symptom of sickness.

I had to wake up early and went to the hospital, it was so boring for me.

Although my friends asked me to hang out with them, I can't because I had to take good care

of him and did everything he want. Furthermore , I had to give him a courage because I know that an operation frighten him. In my mind I always wish everything will be alright and I wish god will be with him. Everytime when I saw himon the sick-bed with a volume control respirator, it made me shed tears. When he said to me that he had a terrible headache, it made me worry about him so much. I was so sympathize with him. When I had free time , I always went to the temple with my mother and my brothers for praying to the Buddha to protect him and bless him get well really soon. Although staying at the hospital all day to take good care of my father was very boring for me , I had to do because it's my duty. I knew that my father wanted me to stay beside him to be his courage. I want to be a good daughter and want to be useful for my family, so I will do my best to make my family to be pround of me.

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