

Today is Saturday and this is the second time I've been come to this place "Train park - Suan Rod Fai" I went there with my sweetheart "Ohmo". He was enjoy riding but not me.

Guess what ? because I wore the short skirt but it's not my fault because I didn't plan to go there. Anyway, my sweetheart chose the cutest bicycle foe me. It's KITTY bicycle.

" Trustin me, it's so cute" he said

" Oh!! cute or stupid?" I asked

Anyway .it's the best choice for me. Everything seem to be better when I used my woolen coat cover my skirt to safe something not good to show off. I was really happy with him.

I though 1 hour at the Train park but I felt like just only 15 minutes like somebody said

" When you feel happy the time will be pass so fast" I think so.

Moreover I saw the cutest puppy. It's so funny and polite.

I really do love the dog. I wanted to take it home but I can't take it back to my home because it's not mine and I already have 4 cute dogs at my home. And I loves them so much as they love me.

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